As coronavirus mutates, we shall progressively research and produce SARS – Cov2 Vaccine Spike Protein subunit or Bacmam Psuedo Virus Particles using the Bacmam Expression System through combinations of baculovirus and human cell lines to expression systems.
Cancer has increased with technology and environmental changes. Through progressive research and development, we shall produce Antibody based Immunotherapy, VEGF, erythropoietin and interferon biosimilars to manage and treat cancer alongside chemotherapy agents.
Progressive research continues to manage these diseases that were once considered death sentences. Through research and our expertise and abilities in small molecule brand and generics products we will transform anti-HIV and anti-Hepatitis medicines into effective long acting treatment protocols that do not require daily treatment and also prevention medicines.
Malaria is still a killer disease that cannot be limited to just mosquito nets. Through progressive research the goal shall be to develop products that lead to the management of malaria and other viral, bacterial and protozoa infections in resource limited settings in Kenya and Africa.
The challenge in medicine production is to find better ways to manage treat. Through progressive research in antibody based Immunotherapy and interferon biosimilars we will progressively research and develop products that manage and psoriasis and arthritis related inflammation.
Through progressive research we shall look for ways to develop products that treat Multiple Sclerosis. This disease that has the immune system eat away at the protective covering of nerves leads to disruption of communication between the brain and the body is a challenge for science to achieve a cure.